The hand-held ultrasound machine generously donated by the non-profit organization Youth Outreach Unlimited has already been invaluable! It is small enough to go with me on rounds to both hospitals in Blantyre and down south to Malamulo too. I have used it about a dozen times in the first week. And the amount of heart problems here is big! If I ever doubted that they could keep a cardiologist busy full-time…no longer! For those interested I have been keeping a rough tally of cases so far: the majority are cardiomyopathy (weakened heart muscle) of some type, hypertensive heart disease, right heart failure, palpitations, chest pain, and pericardial effusions (almost all of which are TB). In just the first week I have seen a probable case of severe mitral regurgitation from rheumatic fever, two cases of severe right ventricular failure, and cardiomyopathy from hyperthyroidism. So, the scanner is being put to good use! Thank you so much to all who donated toward the echo machine and hand-held ultrasound!
It is a joy to read about your work on our WWU webpage and here on your blog.